The general rule for litter boxes is one per cat, plus one additional. This means that:
1 cat: must have at least 2 litter boxes.
2 cats: at least 3 litter boxes.
3 cats: at least 4 litter boxes.
Why is this rule important?
Space and preference: Some cats prefer to urinate in one box and defecate in another.
Cat conflicts: If you have more than one cat, extra boxes can help prevent fighting and stress.
Prevents excessive soiling: More litter boxes ensure that they are always clean and available, reducing the risk of the cat relieving itself outside the box.
Other factors to consider:
Location: Distribute the boxes in different areas of the house so that cats have easy access and do not feel pressured by other animals.
Size and type: Choose boxes that are large enough for your cat's size, and consider whether your cat prefers open or covered boxes.
Cleaning: Clean the boxes daily and change the litter regularly to maintain hygiene.
Following these recommendations helps promote your cat's well-being and prevent behavioral problems such as elimination outside the litter box.